How to Relieve Job Stress After Work

par | Mai 4, 2022 | Sober living | 0 commentaires

What I think is unhealthy is if you’re in a career where there’s a mismatch between how much you want that career to be a part of your identity and what that career is asking of you. People are often unhappy if they want to be what I call in my book a happy distancer. But you might work in a place that’s really asking that of you, and that’s where that workplace unhappiness comes from. It comes from that mismatch between what a career is asking you to do and what you want to actually give into it.

Try 4-7-8 breathing

Similar to meditating, try remembering a previously relaxing moment or place. This could be a holiday, your comfy armchair at home, or even curling up with your pet. Even the act of recalling a distant, peaceful memory can help relieve tension and stress. If you work in a position where you can leave your workplace, take the opportunity to walk around the block once or twice.

  • On the other hand, if you want to get a bit techy with it, there’s a couple of apps like Smiling Mind and Waking Up with Sam Harris that will take you through a simple breathing meditation that’ll relax you in no time.
  • I have a much easier time shifting gears when I’m able to shut myself off from the world for a bit.
  • Choose from Sleep, Stress Relief, Daily Kindness or Daily Mindfulness and enjoy a collection of audio meditations, breathwork and movement videos, book recommendations and more.

Harvard Health Blog

how to destress after work

Sometimes stress can cause your mind to spiral and lead you down an unnecessary rabbit hole of negative thoughts. One way of escaping that spiral is to anchor yourself to the present and focus on immediate results you can achieve. A few laps around the block can help you forget previous tension and relax so you return to the situation calmer and more collected. There is a certain « frazzled » feeling that comes from splitting your focus and it doesn’t work well for most people. Instead of multitasking to stay on top of your tasks, try another cognitive strategy like chunking.

how to destress after work

Practice yoga – at your desk

how to destress after work

Complaining about work to a loved one is a common pastime of people with stressful jobs. The problem is that this can magnify stress levels so that they are even higher after the commute home than they were at the end of the workday. If this sounds like you, now is the time to take the reigns and make your commute a time to shrug off the stress of the day.

With some planning, you can make your commute home into an experience you look forward to rather than another obstacle to overcome before you can relax. One way to maximize your commute time is to listen to audiobooks, either fiction (for fun) or nonfiction in an area where you’d like to grow. However, if you find yourself stressing or ruminating over problems at work, it’s best to leave that burden at work. It’s very natural to seek emotional support when dealing with difficult co-workers. However, as with job stress venting in general, focusing too much on the stress created by difficult co-workers can rob us of the joy of our non-work lives.

  • So take a coffee break with a friend, email a relative or visit your place of worship.
  • All too often, we look to stress-relief techniques when we’re burned out or exhausted, but by then, stress has already gotten out of control.
  • If you’re noticing a bigger pattern, you might want to take a longer breather with our 30-minute tips or speak to a professional to get to the root of the problem.

We Worry About Work Instead of Relaxing

This certainly does the trick for me—before I can get into a TV show or book after my workday, I need to lie down and decompress (i.e. not talk to anyone) for 20 minutes or so. I have a much easier time shifting gears when I’m able to shut myself off from the world for a bit. Just a few minutes of sitting quietly to focus on your breath, or using a guided meditation, can help calm your mind. Taking a break can allow our minds and bodies to rest and recover from the day’s stresses. When we don’t unwind, stress can accumulate, leading to burnout, which is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. By Elizabeth Scott, PhDElizabeth Scott, PhD is an author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on stress management, positive psychology, relationships, and emotional wellbeing.

how to destress after work

Deep breathing

If you’re noticing a bigger pattern, you might want to take a longer breather with our 30-minute tips or speak to a professional to get to the root of the problem. But when the stress boilover happens during work, at a party, or in public, dropping everything to take a nap is definitely not a good look. And in these situations, stress can also join teams with anxiety, leaving you figuring out how to rein in both emotions. If your schedule allows for it, you might try taking short exercise breaks throughout the day.

  • Use them to help others identify signs of burnout and create more balance in their lives.
  • Listening to music is also a known strategy for stress relief, and a simple one to do while sitting in an enclosed space.
  • They can help you navigate the conversation and offer troubleshooting tips.
  • Here you can discover a range of mental wellbeing tips, guides, and personal journeys from us, our partners, fellow practitioners, and clients.
  • Preventing work-related stress can involve strategies to manage potential stressors and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Relieving Stress with Yoga and Sports

Deep breathing can reduce anxiety and help people cope with stressful tasks (Varvogli & Darviri, 2011). Diaphragmatic breathing (or “belly breathing”) involves actively breathing into your diaphragm or abdomen, as opposed to the chest. Few of us make time for stress relief in our daily routines, which allows stress to bubble away and build up. Invisible stress is real, and it can build up into chronic stress. Sometimes we don’t notice it because it’s been there the whole time, like a freckle or mole. However, changing freckles or moles are something you want to take the time to check out, right?